Home Inspections & Doing Repairs – Should you say Yes or No? Buyers will many times do a series of inspections on property during their Option Period (if residential) or Feasibility (if commercial) and in my experience 90% of the time will ask for repairs. Take the advice of your agent however its my opinion that unless it’s a lender required repair, meaning the bank will not loan or approve the property for sale unless xyz is done then I suggest don’t do them or ask for them. Many times if repairs are agreed upon they will be done with the cheapest vendor available and not to the degree of quality the buyer had in mind. In lieu of asking for repairs I suggest a credit towards the buyers closing costs in an amount that would be reasonable for them to hire it out AFTER closing with the vendor of their choice. Implementing this strategy has worked well to keep all parties satisfied and the file proceeding to closing on time
#homeinspections #optionperiod #feasibility #buyingproperty